Welcome to Sacred Earth Gems!

Yes! This is REAL! As you can see, a magical, little blue dragonfly landed right atop of this crystal and hung out there for awhile. Awe inspiring! Maybe he thought it was a mini crystal castle! Even precious, little blue dragonflies love crystals!

Yes! This is REAL! As you can see, a magical, little blue dragonfly landed right atop of this crystal and hung out there for awhile. Awe inspiring! Maybe he thought it was a mini crystal castle! Even precious, little blue dragonflies love crystals!

     Sacred Earth Gems brings you the highest vibration crystals and gemstones from all around the world. Crystals are one of Mother Nature’s most sacred treasures. They remind us of how Magical the earth is every single day. Just imagine how absolutely miraculous Mother Earth is to grow these amazing specimens. Their beauty and perfection is often times mind blowing! And they have been a part of our planet since the beginning of time. Often, the very crystals that you hold in your hands are millions of years old!

     Ever since ancient times, crystals have been used as a powerful tool for healing and transformation. For example, in ancient Egypt, Carnelian was used to transition someone into the Afterlife. In present times, it is often used to amplify creative energy, as well as to give us physical energy, like a “burst of energy” in crystal form.

     Crystals can help us shift our lives in positive and powerful ways. Not to mention they are sparkly and beautiful! They have the potential to shift the energy in your life and living or work space so it’s more beautiful, grounded, sacred, and quite possibly...to change your life forever.

     Different gemstones can be used for a wide range of purposes and intentions. Or you can just collect them because they are Magnificent! Crystals can bring so much abundance, joy, healing and transformation to everyone whose lives they touch.

     However, most crystals go through quite an elaborate process from the mine to market in order to arrive in your loving hands. So, to ensure that the gems you receive are in their purest form, all of our crystals are cleansed on a selenite crystal slab in order to clear any energy they may have accumulated in the process of mining to distribution. This cleansing process restores their authentic, powerful energy back to when they were growing in Mother Earth.

All of the crystal photos on this web site are 100% authentic, untouched, and natural. Not one photo has been touched up or altered in any way. What you see is exactly what you get…except for the magical blue Dragonfly! He was left blissful in nature and is not included with any of the crystals.

     Each and every crystal will be sent to you with the most loving intentions, bringing beauty, abundance and love into your life. We are honored to share the Crystal Love with you!

Magical Crystal Blessings!

Leslie created Sacred Earth Gems from a deep LOVE for crystals and gemstones! She is currently studying at Gemological Institute of America (GIA) to become a Graduate Gemologist. She is also a Holistic Health Practitioner, Reiki Master, Inspirationa…

Leslie created Sacred Earth Gems from a deep LOVE for crystals and gemstones! She is currently studying at Gemological Institute of America (GIA) to become a Graduate Gemologist. She is also a Holistic Health Practitioner, Reiki Master, Inspirational Author, Die-hard Rockhound, and Not-so-undercover CRYSTAL LOVER! She is a Libra with expensive taste…sorry, not sorry!

I dug up this precious Citrine with Pink Tourmaline and Muscovite right out of Mother Earth at the Stewart Lithia Mine in San Diego...one of the most exciting moments in my life! It is amazing to think that I am the very first person on the planet t…

I dug up this precious Citrine with Pink Tourmaline and Muscovite right out of Mother Earth at the Stewart Lithia Mine in San Diego...one of the most exciting moments in my life! It is amazing to think that I am the very first person on the planet to discover it!


The information on this web site about crystals and gemstones is intended for educational and inspirational purposes only, and should not be used as medical advice or treatment.

Magical Crystal Blessings!